Pilot Classes
Debbie and Kurdy
March 6-9, 2025
Explore new and exciting designs, and be the first to stitch them!

About This Event
As Teachers we need a venue that will allow us to pilot needlework classes that will later be taught to a wider audience. You will get the opportunity to help us fine tune our charts and instructional materials, ensure the kits are complete with adequate threads, help with the pacing of the class, and generally refine our presentations.
This will require a lot of interaction and a commitment to complete the project in advance of our first time teaching to a wider venue, usually by August of the same year. For these reasons the teaching fees are waived for the pilot retreat; participants still need to pay kit fees and a class fee for the teaching room, travel expenses for the teachers, shipping, etc.
Because we need personal interaction, only in-person students will be allowed. And, to insure that we receive the feedback needed from a pilot class, class size is limited to 25 participants. Once the 25 person limit is reached we will start a waiting list in case a registrant is unable to attend.
Hotel Information
Hilton Garden Inn, Albuquerque Uptown
6510 Americas Parkway NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
(505) 944-0300
2025 Classes!
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